Business Behavioral Guide

MIDHCO is a leading company in the field of mining development and mining industries in country, and the activities of this company, its employees and officials are of interest to the people and society. MIDHCO believes that its activities are aimed at protecting the interests of the communities in which it operates, and there is a belief among the MIDHCO’s officials and employees that the presence of trust between MIDHCO and MIDHCO’s business parties will lead to the growth and promotion of MIDHCO. There are values and beliefs at MIDHCO that can create a safe and secure environment free of individual and group failures and provide a suitable platform for the improvement of activities and the promotion of quantitative and qualitative power. These values and beliefs are developed under the title of "MIDHCO Business Behavioral Guidelines" that all employees at all levels (MIDHCO, subsidiaries and contractors) must follow.

In regard to the forty-fifth resolution of the Board of Directors of MIDHCO on 24/01/2010, we appreciate:

-Environmental Protection


-High productivity



-Mutual respect for each other

-Justice and integrity

-The spirit of citizenship

-Avoid redundant office formalities